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Install wp cli on Linux – Ubuntu & Linuxmint

Let’s quickly install wp cli on Debian based Linux distro called Linuxmint. I assume that you have already installed WordPress with PHP, MySQL and web-server (apache2 or other).

PHP, Apache2, and MySQL Version

This is how you check versoins of apache2, php, and mysql installed on my Linuxmint desktop.

WordPress for wp-cli

I have installed WordPress 5.9.1 on my Linuxmint desktop

Install WP-CLI on Linuxmint

You can follow these steps to install wp-cli on any Debian based distro like Ubuntu, Debian, Linuxmint.

I also assume that you have installed curl or wget.

curl -O
php wp-cli.phar --info
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
wp --info

Now you should get in return

Update WP-CLI

sudo wp cli update

Quickly Install wp-cli on Linux