Shopify SEO Expert – Rank Higher at Minimal Cost

If you are looking for actionable SEO services at an affordable price; you have landed on the right page. Here I am going list best and top rated Shopify SEO service providers from around the world. These SEOs offer eCommerce Shopify on-page SEO, Shopify technical SEO, Shopify page load/Google Speed optimization.

Looking for a reliable and affordable SEO consultant or guy or advisor? Kindly let me know how can I help you at [email protected].

On-page SEO

Shopify on-page SEO include meta tag, product image alt, and internal links and there is possibility that you would not find all-in-one Shopify SEO; that means you may have to look for the best SEO individuals for each task that are highly rated.

Meta Tags include product title, meta description, and image alt tag.

  1. Meta Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. Image alt tag
  4. Meta Keywords

Tip: When you are writing product description; you should include all main keywords in the first two lines and that will take care of meta description optimization.

Shopify product schema markup: Shopify theme automatically generates default product schema markup but if you are selling something different you should customize your product schema markup.

Shopify Offpage SEO

It is important to create web 2.0 profiles and link back to your money making store for quick Google indexing and to improve rankings. One thing you should keep in mind when hiring someone to create a web 2.0 pages; make sure your store profiles are created manually; there are a many software that can create web 2.0 profiles and publish spun content on your site but you don’t want to do that in any case.

Start a blog for your shopify store and look for relevant easy to rank keywords and phrases to rank quickly and easily. Because nothing works like free organic traffic.

If you don’t know how to create web 2.0 profiles and link back to your store; you should a top rated web 2.0 profile creator.

Media sharing sites; there are a few people who can share your product images, video, store logo on media sharing social sites to drive traffic and create backlinks to store.

Shopify Page Speed

You can call it technical SEO. If you pages are not loading fast, you’ll lose sales and may not rank on top search engines too. It’s best to optimize Shopify store. Google’s web vital and Chrome browser user experience tools monitor each website and score sites for page load and user experience.

Apart from speed optimization, good user experience is also a ranking factor; your Shopify store must be mobile friendly, easy to navigate, and scannable.

Shopify Technical SEO

Looking for a Shopify Technical SEO expert to audit and fix your Shopify technical SEO issues at an affordable price? I have helped over hundreds of Shopify Owners with technical SEO.

If you any specific requirement, don’t hesitate to email at [email protected]

Shopify Product Schema

JSON-LD product schema for Shopify store is a must if you want to free ranking on Google Shopping & Search and other search engines that support JSON-LD schema mark-up.

Whether your Shopify store is missing a few product schema fields or it requires all the product schema markup fields… I can add the missing schema mark-up and add all of them for you at nominal cost. You can reach me at give email on this page.

Shopify Product Review Schema

Recently, I noticed that Shopify stores have reviews app installed from various developers and somehow the generated schema mark-up the review app does not align with product schema or there are duplicate schema mark-up generated by Review apps that throws errors on Google search console.

If you would like to fix these errors, kindly share the error that you are getting at [email protected]

Internal Links

If you are building a huge store then it is important to create internal links on your store this will increase sales and will also pass link-juice. At the same time; it’ll index your new pages quickly. It’s a win-win SEO technique and underrated.

Facebook Microdata Tags for Shopify

If you would like to sync your Shopify products to Facebook Shop & Instagram Shopping via Facebook Commerce, you must have all the required Facebook Microdata Tags installed on your Shopify store for all the products.

I have helped many Shopify owners with FB Microdata Tags and automated the product syncing to FB Commerce.

Need help with any of the above? Feel free to reach me at [email protected]