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Silo SEO – A Practical Guide

Siloing is the process of grouping closely related content or ideas or things in a hierarchical tree structure that makes accessing, navigating, and managing things easy. When it comes to siloing website content for SEO benefits there is no difference. There are two ways to implement silo structure on your website, blog, and ecommerce store; physical and virtual silo structures. We’ll discuss both in details later in this article guide.

What is Silo Structure in SEO?

In silo structure content is represented with parent and child/children pages; its not virtual like we see the relationship between WordPress categories and blog posts. In silo structure children pages are put under its parent content folder. This structural relationship is also seen in the URL slug like parent-page/child-page/.

Silo structure is good for SEO, it increases page authority and your children pages index and rank quickly. There many more SEO benefits of silo structure. You can the list below.

Nabla Structure

One more thing that this post is going to cover is nabla structure, which makes your website content quickly and easily accessible in fewer clicks.

Page Fragments

To make your content even more accessible by search engine bots, we are going to create page fragments that’ll help your pages/posts rank for multiples keywords and will increase page authority. Also called table of content.

SEO Benefits of Siloing Content and Products

  • Increase Page Authority
  • Improve User Experience
  • Do “Call to Action” thing
  • More conversions
  • Quicker Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask indexing
  • Your posts and pages can rank for multiple keywords and phrases
  • Simply, links make more sense to the Google Bot
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Fix Orphaned pages/posts

There are two ways to siloing your content physical and virtual, let’s dive deep into these mysteries and make some changes on our websites to rank higher on major search engines without building backlinks.

Physical Siloing: How to Create Silo Pages

In physical siloing, we create hierarchical directories of content to let know the search engine bots the structure of website content. Pages are most appropriate to create physical silo structure; we create a main page and sub page from the main pages.

Virtual Siloing

Virtual siloing is created with the help of anchor tags (links) that you might have already seen on wikipedia.

Implementing Nabla with Silo

This is becoming a hybrid approach recently and many major websites already have started implementing this combo to increase conversion and customer user experience.

We first create the silo structure and then make all the menu links easily accessible in fewer clicks.

Want this to be implemented on your site? Feel free to shoot your question now..

Silo Structure in WordPress

WordPress out of the box does not support silo structure natively, in order to create silo structure or silo pages; we need to custom code WordPress or use free/paid plugins that are easily available.

If you already know what is silo structure and how it works; you might know that with blog post – we don’t create silo structure rather we create parent page and child pages to represent our content through silo structure.

To create silo structure in WordPress, you can watch my video walk through above using free plugin from WordPress plugin repository.